Sunday, March 30, 2008

Of Emotions and The Hijab


Who believes in astrology? I dont, but at one point of my life, it did interest me, and I was reading forecasts and so on. Astaghfirullahalazim! How astray can one get? curious katanya.

Anyway, being a piscean, it is said that pisceans are EMOTIONAL. I guess it's just a coincidence. I've been on a highly-charged emotional status this past week. So many things happened that lead me to be a nightmare and a super DQ. LKY, u think u saje boleh DQ? I also can ok! :P but die la, My DQness is at my workplace. God, I should want to omit this state of DQness?, it is not that I am not bersyukur for it (should I be? - I should, because that is me)

I was super upset with some people under my seliaan. Gosh, pepagi buta ni otak tak jalan sket.. hehe. Shim does not seem to meet my expectation, and shim never try. Sad. I always know that people like shim are GK's (Gila Koaser) and after 3 years at uni, would know how to basically organise his or her department and things that comes as a package with it. NOOO!! shim did not show anything at all. Its just play play play for shim. It's all about being a lady on Friday nights, on the podium at La Queen, and of course, being an entourage to the reigning MW. Shim would probably think of being a PA rather than studying and making people's life miserable.

I'm being very HB innit? *die la female dog* Well, I just have got to get it out of the system so that I could start the week FRESH.

I was being EMO with this whole group of artistes wannabes. Just a YEAR after I had introduced expensive materials for their use to help them act and be apart of other people seemd to have drowned into the drain. Well, they opted to have their faces flattened by stage lights - then, go ahead. Ity's their show and not mine. HAHA. I bloody felt frustrated with them. I just left them in a lurch after not being happy with what I see. It is not THEM! it's just not them not to show enthusiasm and getting excited over things, especially when it comes to building their alter ego for the stage. Sad lah, Im SO SAD!

So, what ever ajelah. If I dont feel like it, I wont feel like it. I dont want to be a hypocrite. I would just IGNORE these people till my sengalness go away. And I wonder when? 14th April? HAHAHA!

Oh yes, Im still very much in an emotional state now. Im not touching on this issue as it involves some people's privacy. But I just want to thank him for letting me know. I am so honored to know of the news. Full stop.


Was browsing a friend's facebook account. Saw pictures of him doing his Umrah. Saw picture of his wife in hijab and all I could say is, women look better in hijabs rather than having their hair go free.

Ning's wedding saw friends and relatives of Ning in Hijab, they look exceptionally stunning. When I did Sirah, all the women folk had hijabs on, and they look so pretty. The power of hijabs :)

That's my point of view.


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Friday, March 28, 2008



Alhamdulillah! Congrats Ghaz! It really is worth the wait!

Jazakallahu Khair

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Monday, March 24, 2008


Assalamualaikum WM.

I was involved dengan production SIRAH JUNJUNGAN, directed by Erma Fatima @ Istana Budaya from the 19th - 23rd of March.

some blurry stills of the performance from side stage

I must say, sepanjang pelayaran saya dengan produksi ni. saya banyak bermuhasabah diri dan belajar untuk menjadi lebih ikhlas dengan diri sendiri dan ALLAH.

Produksi ini juga bagai satu rahmat dari ALLAH buat diri saya yang kerdil dan hina. Saya terlalu banyak alpa dalam hal agama. Terlalu banyak hutang piutang saya denagn ALLAH SWT dan juga RasulNYA, Muhammad SAW.

Mereka kostum sekaligus menyediakan kostum untuk produksi ini bukan satu perkara yang mudah. Saya tidak ingin menyatakan apa-apa, tetapi amat bersyukur dengan segala KEMUDAHAN dan JALAN yang ditunjukNYA kepada saya. Dari proses penvisualan kostum, ke proses mencari bahan serta proses pembuatan, walaupun ada dugaannya, namun, atas kehendakNYA semua berjalan lancar.

Maka benarlah firman ALLAH dalam surah Al Baqarah ayat 286, dimana ALLAH berfirman:

Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdo'a): "Ya Rabb kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami bersalah. Ya Rabb kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang sebelum kami. Ya Rabb kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri maaflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir". (QS. 2:286)

Subhanallah. MAsya ALLAH. Alhamdulillah atas rahmatNYA dan izinNYA, segala berjalan lancar. Alahmdulillah kerana ALLAH mengurniakan pembantu2 yang tak terucap terima kasih saya kepada mereka:

Siu, Intan, Emma, Wazi @ Volks. Dari IB: Lilie, Suriani, Kak Ekin, Kak Ipah, Abg Nas, Kak Nita, Sobi, Fara, tak lupa Encik Badrulzaman dll. Tak juga pada Kak Paridah, Faiz dan Awin.

Wazi fixing Elly Suriati's Hijab

Tak lupa juga pada Lan Abet, Khairi @ Daus, Royz serta mereka yang telah tolong saya secara langsung atau tidak dalam beberapa perkara. Tukang2 jahit saya Kak Saemah, Tini dan Loli. Juga kepada Kenchana yang banyak memberikan pandangan dan saranan.

Hanya ALLAH yang dapat membalas segala jasa kalian kepada saya dan produksi SIRAH JUNJUNGAN. Sesungguhnya, kata- kata Kak Erma serta persoalan beliau tentang apa sumbangan kita kepada Rasulullah SAW, menjadi pegangan saya selama produksi ini berjalan. Semoga semangat ingatkan ALLAH dan RasulNYA akan sentiasa disanubari dan menjadi inspirasi untuk mencapai tujuan hidup yang haqiqi. Di mana saya sendiri masih mencari walaupun jauh di sudut hati, sudah ku tahu apakah yang dicari itu.

Saya juga harus mempenakan ucapan terima kasih kepada Cikgu Amy Rhaphor yang mencadangkan nama saya kepada Kak Erma, sesungguhnya, ia ibarat bulan jatuh ke riba.

Buat Kak Erma, terima kasih kerana memberi peluang dan kepercayaan kepada saya untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab ini. Kecekalan Akak dan passion Akak untuk menjayakan teater ini amat memberikan saya inspirasi. Saya rasa, saya 'the chosen one'. Sehingga detik ini, hati pasti sayu mengenangkan perjuangan Rasulullah. Bait bait kata dari Sang Pencerita juga masih terngiang-ngiang, terutama doa penutup persembahan. Thanks Kak Erma :)

Some of the character costumes for the production

Sesungguhnya, ALLAH telah merencanakan semuanya. ALLAH telah menentukan segalanya, maka ucapan terima kasih yang paling tidak terhingga, paling ternilai, paling terpaling paling paling tinggi adalah untukMU ya ALLAH. Maha Mengetahui yang mengetahui segala isi hati, Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang akan hambaNYA walaupun hambaNYA itu sering alpa. Sesungguhnya, KAU Maha Mengasihani. Terima kasih kerana telah memilih diri yang hina ini melaksanakan tanggungjawab dakwah saya sebagai hambaMU. Inilah yang termampu untuk saya berikan, kudrat dan jiwa saya, dalam mengenang RasulMU. Melalui Rasulullah SAW lah agamu menjadi peganganku.


Jazakallahu Khair

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

4 Rabiul Awal

It's my 32nd Birthday today according to the Islamic Calendar. :)

4 Rabiul Awal 1397H, and today is 4 Rabiul Awal 1429.

Happy birthday to me.

I guess I had a great start last Maghrib, with Marhaban and Tazkirah at the campus surau.

Jazakallahu Khair

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

life goes on

Change. Fresh Air. New Outlook. New Vision.

apa2 pun, stability itu penting, kene muafakat. Banyak muhasabahkan diri.

sentiasa optimis dan positif.

Insya ALLAH.


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Saturday, March 08, 2008

General Elections 2008

Alhamdulillah. I just got back from the polling station.

My first time ever! hehe

I even dreamt about it last night! That must be how excited I was about doing my part as a citizen.

It was great to have checked the daftar pemilih online, so, within minutes, I was done, and so were my parents.

As I stepped into station 8, I passed my IC to the person incharge. I then gave her my serial number to speed up th eprocess, and then she called out my serial number, name and IC number. I moved on further down the line and got my two slips of the kertas undi *darn what is it in english? - voting? blotting? ARGH!* - one in orange and another in ochre, and proceeded to the pop up cubicle. After PANGKOHING *ekekeke* who'm I chose, the ballot papers were then *AHAAAA!! BALLOT PAPERS!! KAKAKAKA* posted into *can i say POSTED or what? die!* the respective perspect boxes. VOILA! im done!

This is one thing I wont forget :) - first timers are indeed something for us to remember for the rest of our lives :)

I hope whoever is elected for my area, DUN Bukit Gasing and PARLIMEN Petaling Jaya Selatan would do better in serving the community this coming term.

Jazakallahu Khair

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