It's all of me mine. Its my blog and i blog what i want. Changes are made when it is needed yet the old is not left forgotten. Change of paradigm? maybe. Cant tell. |
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
long awaited update... hehe.... FINALLY! had been like 10 days since the last posting, been very busy with all the following activities...

TEST 19 - 22 November 2005
click on TEST to go to my fotopages...
And the morning after that piuler......
an Asyik Dance and Wayang Kulit presentation for a delegation from Korea that came the morning after the finale of TEST....
....And it was the birth of CoK CoK KeNdOnG Ensemble
Cok Cok Kendong Ensemble got it's name from Aiem... so, insya ALLAH, this ensemble would remain... hiks~
and lastly, i attended the Degree Fashion Show at the Faculty of Art and Design UiTM this afternoon....
Personally I think the Degree Programme for Fashion Design is making its Comeback with this show, dah lama sgt Fashin @ Shah Alam been quiet.... walaupun with only 4 outfits... compared to my time yang kene ada 6 minimum garments to graduate (heheh... i cukup 8) :P oh..memories!!!
Met my seniors and contemporaries and juniors who's in the academic and fashion line... names like Mahyuddin Sidek (PGL), De None Hassan, Jasmi, Nadine, Nazleen, Eilla, Amyn, Saiful 12 Chot (ekekekekek) Nisa, Rudy Dll... hehehe... also met my lecturers... yang takde cume Prof Zaiton... wonder where she is...
hmm... so mrasalah entry simple ni...and PLS LEAVE COMMENTS...
`Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari. Dia datangkan
petir dan kilat...kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya sinar...
rupanya-rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi...'

Friday, November 18, 2005
TEST series II

Fakulti Seni Persembahan, Quadrant C, Stadium Shah Alam, Shah Alam.
19 Nov 20052030hrs PERASMIAN
- Gerak Kontem
- Tarian Istana
- Gamelan
20 Nov 2005
1400hrs Teater Kanak-Kanak
1530hrs Greek Tragedy in Malay
2230hrs Mak Yong and Gamelan
21 Nov 2005
1000hrs Lakonan Karektor / Menora (Sem 1)
1400hrs MIME
1600hrs Tarian Rakyat
2230hrs MENORA (Sem 2)
22 Nov 2005
1400hrs PUISI
1600hrs SHAKESPEAREAN acting
*FEATURING : Prof Madya Khairil Johari Johar, Dina and the Music Dept FSP UiTM
so...come one come all.. IT'S FREE!!
`Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari. Dia datangkan petir dan
kilat...kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya sinar...
rupanya-rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi...'

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dalam KenanganMunir Sheikh Mahmud(MOON Jangan Ketawa)1957 - 2005Semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman.Insya ALLAH.Amin.KANGAR 8 Nov. -
Pelakon dan pelawak sitcom Jangan Ketawa, Munir Sheikh Mahmud atau lebih dikenali sebagai Moon meninggal dunia setelah diserang angin ahmar di rumah ibunya di Kampung Pokok Sawa, Mata Ayer, dekat sini hari ini.
Moon, 48, menghembuskan nafas terakhir ketika sedang tidur selepas menonton televisyen di ruang tamu rumahnya kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi ini. Allahyarham yang tidak berkahwin meninggalkan seorang anak angkat, Fatin Nadia Abdullah, 12, yang kini bersekolah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Wangsa Jaya, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur. Jenazah Moon
dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam, Oran, Mata Ayer selepas sembahyang Maghrib.
Turut menziarahi jenazah Allahyarham ialah isteri Menteri Besar Perlis, Datin Seri Shamsiah Mohd. Yassin, anggota Exco Kerajaan negeri, Khairi Hassan yang merupakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Mata Ayer serta rakan-rakan artis termasuk Zainol Macwilson dan Dee.
Moon merupakan anak kedua bekas Mufti Perlis, Allahyarham Sheikh Mahmud Mohamad Saman yang berkhidmat sekitar tahun 1970-an. Moon yang sering berpasangan dengan Dee merupakan antara watak utama dalam sitcom Jangan Ketawa yang popular sekitar 1990an.
Bapa saudaranya, Mahzan Mahmud, 25, berkata, sebelum meninggal dunia, Moon sempat menjamah pulut ayam sebelum menonton televisyen hingga tertidur di atas sebuah kerusi di ruang tamu rumah tersebut. Menurutnya, arwah kemudian terjaga akibat diserang angin ahmar sebelum ahli keluarganya menelefon ambulans.
``Apabila ambulans sampai di rumah, Moon disahkan telah
meninggal dunia,'' katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya dikampung itu. Mahzan memberitahu, anak saudaranya itu tidak menunjukkan sebarang perlakuan aneh ketika pulang ke kampung beraya pada 31 Oktober lalu.
Bagaimanapun, jelasnya, Moon pernah menyuarakan hasratnya untuk menetap terus di Perlis dan enggan pulang ke Kuala Lumpur selepas Hari Raya ini. Dengan hasratnya itu, katanya, Moon merancang untuk mendaftarkan Fatin Nadia di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Syed
Sirajudin di sini dan membina sebuah rumah di kampung berkenaan.
``Saya tidak menyangka kata-katanya itu mempunyai pengertian yang amat mendalam apabila dia pergi bersemadi selama-lamanya di kampung ini,'' katanya.

وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمْ اللَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ النَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُم مُّظْلِمُونَ
37. Dan suatu tanda (kekuasaan Allah yang besar) bagi mereka adalah malam; Kami tanggalkan siang dari malam itu, maka dengan serta merta mereka berada dalam kegelapan.
وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
38. dan matahari berjalan ditempat peredarannya. Demikianlah ketetapan Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
RAYA @ 5thE's...MERIAHS! rasa ala2 dlm YM yer..hiks~

so, mrasalah click kat image bawah ni untuk ke FOTOPAGES...where 37 images of FUN awaits you...Hiks~~~

He he he...KOMEN...jgn X komen...

Monday, November 07, 2005
Interesting Article - Do Read It
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Eid 1426H - a past tense entry *mati la blog past-tense

Hmm...Where should I start? the day before lah.. ok ha... the main activity for me the day before Eid was to cook. I had obliged myself to my mom to cook this year, and I wanted to cook a meat dish without using santan for a start. So, I surfed the net as well as asked my colleagues if they happen to have any recipes taht I could try out, well Tini gave me one recipe, Isis almost gave me one *Die la Malbari and from the web I was tempted to try out Daging Nasi Kandar. Well, I then decided to KAK NAM my own recipe...heheh..Using the basic principles of making the usual rendang and bits and bobs of the recipes I picked... so mrasalah Masak Daging Yang I Tak Tahu Nak Kasi Nama Apa Janji NO SANTAN!

Woke up at about 7.45 am, huh, late! Got to get ready EXTRA QUICK as I need to rush for a parking space at the mosque ( had to get parking space at the front part of the mosque – My dad has to perform prayers seated and he could not walk very much these days). It was also raining, hence that explained WHY I overslept. Hehehe.
My mom called my mobile and informed me my dad was not able to go for the prayers, he is not feeling well and I have to take my eldest bro to the mosque. Oh Well.. what ever… So I took my dad’s 4 wheeler to the mosque and did what I was supposed to and after the Khutbah or Sermon, went back home.
After the usual forgive and forgiving session, went straight to the kitchen to dish out the dishes, and at about 11ish my sister’s friends started to come, as well as relatives. Well, actually my siblings started arriving first, one by one with their families (2 of them actually) and the house started to get noisy with my nephews and nieces screaming about playing with each other.

At about 4-ish only I managed to get to the cemetery to visit my grandparents and my niece’s grave at the Kampung Tunku Muslim Cemetary, I had a fine time looking for my niece’s grave, thank goodness it was just a few feet from my grandparents, yet I still had to get my bearings right. I did not know that the grave had already been marked with black marble headstone- the last time I visited the grave was during the funeral itself. After that visit, I felt kind of relieved, I don’t know why. Stopped by section 14 to top up my mobile and went back home.
Only then, I started eating the Raya Goodies I cooked, as well as the goodies brought in by my sister from her inlaws in Meru. Alhamdulillah…and, after 3 pieces of lemang, ketufet and its condiments.. my eyes started getting heavier…and heavier…and again.. I left my soul to ALLAH till I woke up again about 9 something just now, when my sister called me and reminded me to put some stuff in the fridge..hehe..

That was my 1st day of Syawal… I feel like doing the Puasa Sunat Syawal ( for a period of 6 days in the month of Syawal) tomorrow, insya ALLAH. Hmm…as for pictures.. Did not really document it well today, was busy doing this and that, but mrasalah fotopages I.
Selamat Hari Raya!
Haiyaa!! nampak sgt PAST TENSE kan? sah sah entry ni separuh dah type on 1st Day of Eid itself..but BARU LA NI nak hapdate! how??? hiks~ enjoy!! PLS LA KOMEN NAH!! rindiew plak takde org komen blog ni..ala2 zaman2 BI sat dulu...hiks~

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Kenangan Eid di Perantauan

Assalamualaikum w.m.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Salam Aidilfitri
Assalamualaikum W.M.