Sunday, October 30, 2005


On Wednesday, the 2nd of Sya'aban 1354H @ October 30th 1935, A girl was born to Zainuddin Abu and Nyah Chik in one of the teacher's quarters of Sultan Idris Teacher's Training College (SITC), Tanjung Malim, Perak and was given the name of Zahirah. The girl, today turns 70, a wife, a mother, an aunt, and grandmother as well a teacher to many that knows her. And, She is my mother. Syukur kepadaNYA kerana mengurniakan diri ini seroang Ibu yang hanya ALLAH tahu segala jasa dan kesabarannya membesarkan dan having to put up with her youngest son.

Summer 2004 @ Edinburgh

Ya Allah, Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang, Maha Mengetahui, kurniakanlah rahmat dan nur mu kepada Ibu ku, peliharalah imannya, kesihatannya dan ampunkanlah dosa-dosanya. Amin.

salam sayang dari anakanda bongsu,
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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Iftar at Hotel UiTM

Assalamualaikum.... Semalam pi Iftar kat hotel UiTM, it was a treat for the Faculty members and staff by Prof Raja Ahmad Alauddin... Yes..Director Hati Bukan Kristal dan Qaisy dan Layla itiew....and won a few awards baru2 ni at various Anugerah ceremonies......

mrasalah click di atas untuk ke Fotopages we ols... more pixies there!!! and..comment la yer...hehe

The spread adalah sangat SEDAP ye... Very Malay spread yet the desserts tu yang tak tahan tu... well for RM35 a head.. what more could u ask for? Ice Kacang ado, Roti Bom ado, Kambing Panggang ado, ulam2 ado...macam macam ado! hehehe.. Anyways, thanks to Prof for the treat. Semoga murah rezeki dan di rahamatiNYA selalu.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

trying out...

Just trying out my new signature.... later nak edit lagi. :)

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Maha Suci Allah...
Segala Puji Bagi Allah...
Tiada Tuhan disembah melainkan Allah...
Allah Maha Besar.

My Ramadhan so far....

Alhamdulillah, it has been a great 21 days for me so far... To date this Ramadhan is the best so far, I do not know why, It could be my last, or Insya ALLAH I would be able to see Ramadhan again next year. Only ALLAH has the answers. This Ramadhan so far had taken me up North to Alor Star, This Ramadhan had me meet my old friend Aireen and Jad, This Ramadhan too brought tears as Datin Serin Endon Mahmood passed away, This Ramadhan too showed me strength by witnessing how strong Pak Lah was at his beloved wife's funeral. This Ramadhan too showed me the meaning of longing and caring, accepting HIS Qadha and Qadhar as a friend would put it. This Ramadhan had also showed me the meaning of FAMILY. This Ramadhan is the best for me so far, but I would not know if I have given my best performance my best for HIM.
All I am hoping for the last remaining days of this Holy Month is that I would go through it gracefully and bring happiness to my Creator when i am to face HIM in the ever-after. I am also hoping that this would not be my last as well. I do not know.
As Eid is approaching, I too am feeling the heat. I just bought my self some fabric to make a suit of Baju Kurung Teluk Belanga and a Samping to match. I had also bought festive cookies to serve to guests visiting my parents house this Eid period. I hope I am not over spending. Insya ALLAH.
Another 9 days. Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah. La ila ha ilallah. Allahuakbar. It's good bye Ramadhan. Till we meet again, Insya ALLAH.
This article by Wak Khalid is interesting, just read it and reflect it on ourselves this Ramadhan. Are we really there yet?

Nafas Teaterikal: Ramadan bulan merebut 'keuntungan'
Oleh Khalid Salleh

“HAI orang-orang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa” - Al-Quran surah Al-Baqarah: 184.

Umumnya masyarakat Islam termasuk Melayu menerima al-Quran sebagai kitab suci. Dalam perkara tertentu, al-Quran diletakkan dan ditakwilkan (ditafsirkan) sebagai mewakili nama Allah. Misalnya sumpah saksi mengenai kebenaran sesuatu pengakuan, termasuk upacara mengangkat sumpah menjadi ketua negara atau selainnya.

Nilai al-Quran adalah ‘maha suci’ kitab yang mesti diterima pakai untuk panduan hidup mereka yang mengaku sebagai Islam. Diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab. Namun ada tafsir (terjemahan) ke bahasa Melayu /Indonesia juga Inggeris. Begitupun tafsir sebagaimana dimaksudkan sekadar makna dari segi ungkapan bahasa. Jelasnya, bukan pengertian sebenar sebagaimana yang tersirat di sebalik tersurat (tertulis).

Al-Quran tidak hanya makna sebagaimana diterjemahkan dari bahasa Arab ke Melayu /Indonesia atau Inggeris semata-mata. Ia mengandungi semiotik dan keajaibannya yang tersembunyi. Maka itu ia tidak boleh ditiru oleh makhluk apa sekali pun.

“Tidaklah mungkin al-Quran ini dibuat-buat oleh selain Allah; akan tetapi al-Quran membenarkan kitab yang sebelumnya dan menjelaskan hukum yang telah ditetapkannya, tidak ada keraguan di dalamnya, dari Tuhan semesta alam.

“Atau patutkah mereka mengatakan Muhammad membuat-buatnya? Katakanlah (kalau benar yang kamu katakan itu) maka cubalah datangkan sebuah surat seumpamanya dan panggillah sesiapa yang dapat kamu panggil (untuk membuatnya) selain Allah, jika kamu orang-orang yang benar.” - Surah Yunus ayat 37 dan 38.

Sebagaimana disebut dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 184, puasa adalah suatu ketetapan yang wajib dilakukan setiap manusia beriman. Nilai iman, Islam, manusia dan puasa itu sendiri mempunyai kaitan serta analisis ke arah pemahaman mengenai rahsia kenapa diwajibkan puasa. Selain itu ia juga adalah aset kedudukan (martabat) seseorang manusia yang melakukannya. Paling tidak memahami erti kejujuran, keikhlasan dan kebaikan sesudah atau ketika menunaikan ibadat puasa.

Tapi dari apa yang berlaku di persekitaran, pengertian puasa seolah-olah hanya tidak makan dan tidak minum semata-mata. Perkara seperti kerakusan, tamak haloba atau ‘lupa daratan’ masih terus berleluasa. Perlakuan seumpama disebutkan itu memberi gambaran ibadat puasa bagaikan tidak memberi makna dan pengajaran apa-apa. Walhal dalam banyak perkara, sunnah Rasul (Muhammad saw) selalu disebut sebagai rujukan atau panduan. Antaranya, diriwayatkan nabi berbuka puasa hanya dengan tiga biji kurma selain susu.

Ertinya nabi berbuka dengan kadar munasabah sebagai orang yang berpuasa. Dengan kata lain Muhammad tidak berbuka puasa untuk ‘membalas dendam’ kerana tidak makan dan minum sepanjang siang hari. Muhammad mengusulkan teori penjagaan kesihatan di sebalik amalan berbuka puasa. Bayangkanlah sesudah perut direhatkan sepanjang hari, tiba-tiba dipaksa kerja berat menghancurkan pelbagai jenis makanan?

Nilai puasa mengandung rahsia yang sangat akrab dengan perkara kerohanian. Maka itu dihukumkan sia-sialah pahala (kebaikan) puasa seseorang kerana mengumpat, mengeji, bersangka buruk atau menceritakan keburukan orang lain. Ertinya mereka yang melakukan perkara seperti disebutkan itu hanya mendapat lapar dan dahaga. Maka dituntut memperbanyak zikir/ingatan dan rasa terhadap Allah dengan ikhlas. Pahalanya (kebaikan) berganda-ganda. Teorinya; dengan melakukan zikir, terhindarlah kesempatan untuk mengumpat atau mencela perihal keburukan orang lain. Tunailah puasanya.

Bagaimanapun fenomena puasa setiap kali bulan Ramadan, tidak seperti yang dibayangkan itu. Ramadan seolah-olah musim pesta jualan dan makanan. Petak niaga menjadi rebutan. Di Kuala Lumpur, khususnya di Jalan Masjid India petak niaga bererti ‘lombong emas’. Kadar bayaran yang hanya sekitar RM 250 -RM280 sebagaimana dikenakan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) akan menjadi ribuan bahkan belasan ribu apabila bertukar tangan ke pihak ketiga.

Peluang untuk ‘menahan lukah di pergentingan’ tidak dipersia-siakan mereka yang mempunyai jaringan dengan orang tertentu. Nilai bulan puasa pada mereka ialah bulan merebut dan mengaut keuntungan, walaupun dengan cara tidak bermoral (rasuah). Kesempatan menggunakan pengaruh nama orang berkedudukan dalam jawatan kerajaan, politik dan sebagainya adalah tiket menghalalkan perbuatan yang berlawanan dengan prinsip agama mahu pun kemanusiaan.

Apa yang boleh diterima masyarakat umum sebagai kepercayaan, apabila mereka yang diyakini sebagai tonggak kekuasaan undang-undang membiarkan namanya digunakan kalangan ahli keluarganya untuk melakukan perkara tidak bermoral itu. Memperoleh tapak perniagaan melalui kalangan tertentu di DBKL, kemudian menjualkan semula dengan harga belasan ribu. Tidakkah itu perbuatan jijik dan di luar batas kemanusiaan?

Mereka tentunya bukan penjaja kaki lima atau peniaga kecil yang dahagakan petak perniagaan. Mereka barangkali boleh dilabelkan sebagai penyumbang ke arah jenayah terhormat. Apabila agaknya keadaan seumpama ini akan terus berlarutan? Selagi manusia masih berasa tidak malu melakukan rasuah, selagi itu perkara seumpama ini tidak akan pernah selesai. Namun mereka tentunya masih mengaku Islam sebagai pegangan agamanya. Mereka juga mungkin berpuasa. Bagaimana rupa puasa dan Islamnya? Itu urusan Tuhan. Tapi siapa sebenarnya mereka itu? Di mana dan apa kitabnya?... Subhanallah.
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahaillalah Allahuakbar

Monday, October 24, 2005

YM Conference....

Hehehe... pointless entry.. saje2 aje, janji UPDATE! hehehehehehhehehe UPDATE U OLSS!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Berbuka @ Isis's

Had iftar at Isis's family home today...meriah! mostly all the regular chatters at the Yahoo Conference we have everyday attended the Iftar Do.. so, too see more pics, just click on the pic above and mrasalah ke fotopages I, dosi tengok, jangan lupa komen yer... hehehe

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar

Friday, October 21, 2005

ALOR STAR.....many FOND memories.....

Alhamdulillah! that is all I could say... Ever so thankful for such a MEMORABLE trip to Alor Star, a trip in the Holy Month of Ramadhan. Main objective is to interview candidates for the next intake in December. Well, I might write about it..or not? So many things rushing to into my head now..mrasalah PAST TENSE katanya entry ni kan?? hehehe...
Saturday 15th Oct 2005
Went to KL Sentral by cab at 10 AM...flight is at 1345hrs... So I had ample time and so that I would not rush. Checked in my luggage at KL SENTRAL...mudah dan senang u ols... then, went to MPH, and guess what! REMAJA 15 Okt dahKELUAR! mrasalah melihat collection baju melayu we ols...heheh *havesla promosi diri sendiri yang dipakai oleh model yang JESZT u ols! hehehe... I also bought a set of 4 butterflies for Lea... hmmm u ols bile nak snappy2 butterflies itiew u ols? hehe.. And so, by 1445 kapal terbang itu selamatlah mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Halim (ke Hamid ah?) heheh.. dan..sedang menati kemunculan bagasi baju we ols, terlihatlah kelibat manusia berbaju KEBATART merah ala2 persis baju terbalik katanya, bercermin mata hitam menanti bak RATU di luar balai ketibaan itiew...WAH!! Laurielle!!! mek teruja u olss... anyway, belum sempat beg we ols terbit muncul di Baggage Belt, we ols dah peluks2 cium2 pipi dah...heheh.... dan setelah mendapatkan bagasi kiews, terus lah kami menuju kereta Che Lea kita yang di parkir di luar airport itiew.... Dan menuju lah we ols ke bandaq AS.. Nak CHECK IN di Hotel Regent yang telah di book oleh Lea itiew... Sesampai di hotel itiew dan setelah mrasa meletakkan beg hems yang persis lari dari rumah untuk setahun itiew.... dgn seronoknya we ols menuju ke WEDNESDAY Hamlet u ols... WAH!! my favourite place to source for traditional food stuff and sweeties... dan..mrasalah we ols terpesona dengan kepelbagaian barangan dan hidangan sekitar PARAM dan BARAM di Aloq Staq itiew.... Untuk IFTAR pertama we ols di AS... Lea telah membooking seat untuk 4 di City One Cafe. Mrasalah I ols berbuka dgn Badarsila (BS - that reminds me, I stil owe u a few RM for theIFTAR! nanti I ols pass thru CA nah!) and Najib CSI_x.... (mrasalah click sini untuk mendapatkan kisah IFTAR itiew yer) Sebelum pi IFTAR tu, Lea habaq dia ada SURPRISE untuk we ols... aiyoh... I was really blurry about the Surprise.. apakah surprise itiew??!! mrasalah click pada link tadi juga u ols... heheh..but, this is my part I WRITE U OLS BACA NAH! So.... selesai Iftar di City One itiew, Lea bawak we ols and BS ke JC dan lepak2 sitiew for a bit sebelum proceed untuk surprise we ols I WAS REALLY GETTING NERVOUS! ape laaa dalam kepala si Lea ni nak surprise kan we ols...hmmm...isks...excited ade, nervous ada... So, manakala dari JC itu menuju lah Cik Ndot Rider Lea menuju ke mana2 ntah.. tapi tup2 arah Shahab Perdana, iaitu Stesen Bas Aloq Staq itiew! ehhhhhhhh seswatuh! katanya Lea nak serahkan we ols untuk menjadi bahan @#$%^& . Erk.... MOTIF? anyways... I ols dapat rasa diorang TAREK2 KAKI we ols jer... hehehe... And so, the car pulled depan stesen bas itiew... dan..MRASALAH SURPRISE UNTUK WE OLS... yang membuat diri ini terdiam, speechless, terkesima, terpaku dan hanya mampu diri ini untuk tersenyum.... it was Chef Aduka. Subhanallah! HE WAS ONLY SUPPOSED T BE IN AS THE FOLLOWING NIGHT! BUKAN MALAM NI! isk... anyway, terubat gak hati jumpe CA malam tu... Lepas tu terus Lea bawak I ols pi kedai DVD... dan mrasalah we ols menDVDkan diri... Malam tu Aloq Staq dilimpahi hujan rahmat dariNYA.... and so, we ols dihantaq balik ke hotel oleh Lea setelah menghantar CA pulang ke rumahnya.... Malam tu I ols sahurina MURTABAK kedai ROSE...just a few yards dari hotel penginapan we ols..... dan we old tertido dalam keadaan TERTANYA2 kenapa CA balik awal... dan semuanya terjawab dalam sms2 dari CA sendiri...mrasalah we ols TIDO terus lepas sahurina awal....
SUNDAY 16th Oct 2005
Mrasalah bangun jam 9 lebih... hmmm ALHAMDULILLAH dapat see another day. As I had planned, hari ni is HARI SHOPPING AND WINDOW SHOPPING SEKEDAH RASA 5thE.... hari untuk mengusha apakah barang yang akan dibeli... so, after man-mands at around 1130 itiew.. Mrasalah we ols keluar dan menuju ke...yes... WEDNESDAY HAMLET itiew...hehehe *mati la mak kene carot ngan orang Kedah! :P erk! So, mrasalah we ols membrong HALWA MASKAT dan AGAR2 KERING untuk Eid tak lama lagi.. WAH SO TRADISI! Also got kain sembahyang yang my mom kirim... Lega dapat fulfill hajat my mom tu. Memandangkan tersangatlah heavy dutynya berat Halwa Maskat dan Agaq2 Kering tu, so telah I ols bnalik ke biliks dan OFFLOADkan barangan.... dan terus menuju kembali ke Bandar Alor Star dan cruisy2 kedai2 area BARAM depan Grand Con dan also kedai2 jual laboochies bagai, dapat la spesis2 lama laboochies yang sudah dinch ada di KL... mrasalah borong laboochies..hehehe...
At about 3 pm plus, my colleague pun sampai dan check in kat hotel Regent itu. Lepas dia settle down sat, dia kol I ols... so we decided to keluaq to town lah katanya... IFTAR kali ni plak dah janji dengan kawan we ols, Aireen yang dok kat Jalan Langgar... Aireen ni kawan baik I ols time di ITM dulu. Dosi kawin dan sudah ada 3 cahaya mata, 1 gurgurl and 2 boboys... hehe.. So sebelum we ols jumpe Aireen yang telah kami setkan janji untuk dijemput kami di tangga titi di WEDNESDAY HAMLET itiew, sempat lah PM Raja and me senyopping kueh mueh Eid di WEDNESDAY HAMLET itiew... And as expected, I telah memeranjatkan Aireen dan hubbynya yang menanti dalam kerets mereka dengan membawa SEBUAH KOTAK BESAQ berisi KUIH MUIH TRADISI pesanan kawan2 dari KL...isks...hehehe...biasalah I ols, u ols...hehehe
We then adjourned to rumah Aireen di Jalan Langgar itu sementara menanti waktu untuk Iftar. Kat umah Aireen yang sangat spacious dan luas itiew, telah terungkaplah kisah2 past tense dan present tense kawan2 sepembelajaran dulu.... heheh...*haves la PUASA-O-METER we ols, hiks! I also telah memperkenalkan blog kawan2 pada Aireen yang dahagakan hiboran tat kala di Alor Star itiew *Havesla mak kene carot ngan Aireen..hehehe....
As the clock clicked on to 6 pm, kami decided to go out for Iftar, and pot pet pot pet, decided to have Nasi Kandar... And so we headed to this Nasi Kandar outlet called DEEJAYS (god knows where la kan...) The nasi briani was delicious! Ada satu insiden yang agak kelakor... Maklumlah, tgh puasarinas kan.... so ala2 menunggu lah Azan itiew, manakala di kedai itiew hanya kedengaran lagu2 Bollywood kaedahnya... jam terus berdetik, and I SWORE IT WAS PAST 7.06pm... and we were obviously looking at other eople to see if anyone had started eating..and behold! this Pak Cik next to our table pun mula lah berdoa dan mula makan..... Kami pun ape lagi, follow suit sahaj... only to notice that orang lain ala2 menten lagi..dan..setelah 2 suap nasi maka..BERKUMANDANGLAH AZAN YER!!! aiyoooo...hiks! well, I bet the Bilal would have to buka first before he laungkan the Azan right? hehehe... mrasalah kami tersipu2 ajer dan maintain composure kami...hehehe... Well, sedang2 berborak setelah selesai makan-makan tadi, Lea called me.. asking me where I was sebab dia nak join...but again, she called...only to inform us that.. TAYAR KETER DIE PECAH U OLS!!!! aiyoooooo.... manakala... terngiang2 lagi kata2nya... " I COULD USE SOME HELP U KNOW..." hehehe... so, to the rescuelah Aireen, Hubby, moi and PM Raja..... hehehe... Ke Jalan Sultanah la kami mencari kereta Lady yang tersadai.... hehehe... Nasibbaik la hubby Aireen ade, dia la the only lelaki...heheh.. so he changed the tire... and Aireen being Aireen... tetapp menten reti technical stuff about changing tyres..sekals dgn hubby dia.. I, Lady n PM Raja just looked on...hehehe...
After berjaya menukar tayar itiew, me and PM Raja and Lea went pusing-pusing, on the Cik Endot Rider.... went to Rendezvous De La Jayzeez and here there and everywhere...he he, had FUN! And before retiring for the night, me and PM Raja lepaked at STAR WALK katanya...makan bubur pulut hitam sambil memerhatikan gelagat anak-anak muda di Utara Semenanjung ni... and before balik hotel, mrasalah singgah Restoran Rose sekals lags...dan membeli Murtabak famous itiew untuk sahur.... hmm the next day nak pi interview anak orang la pulak kan... tiduran la we ol...
MONDAY 17 Oct 2005
Started the day at about 430 a.m for sahur, tido-tido ayam till about 6 when the hotel made the wake up call got ready and by 8 am, me and PM Raja were off to Merbok Campus for the interview session. Upon our arrival @ Merbok, we were directed to the Art and Design Fac, where it was said that th einterview is being held there. Got to AD only to find out that our interview room was not being prepared..aiyah! CHOI! did some phone calls and in 1/2 an hour, we got our interview rooms. Thank goodness somehow my tutor when I was in foundation year was teaching there now, and so is one of my juniors, Thanks Kak Mumtaz and Azmi for all the kind help!
Aiyoh.... I had only 6/15 candidates for the Acting course and about 10/17 candidates for arts management course who attended the interview. *havesla aku tak buat analysis laghiks...hiks..
Well, most of them came prepared and in general were ok, but only the best would proceed. Perluke cerita u ols? nanti lah later2 we ol buat entry, insya ALLAH...
Got back to Alor Star at about 6-ish and we stopped by Nasi Lemak Ali to TAPAU our Iftar... Ni hajat PM Raja u ols, kalau mai Alor Star, kalau tak pi makan Nasi Lemak Ali ni...tak SAH u ols. So manakala hem lupe nak snappy2 nasi lemak tu dari dekat sebab tunggu dalam teksi itiew, so takdelah pixies yang menarik, but tetap akan buat review..a mini one lah...
Location: Somewhere in Alor Star, it is SO famous, everyone knows where it is, mrasalah tanya2 aje kalau nak tahu kat mane kedai itiew...
FOOD: The nasi lemak is different from the nasi lemak one would find else where in Malaysia, the NASI itself is different, nakkata nasi minyak, tapi bukan, nak kata nasi lemak biasa pun bukan, it is very rich. Lauk pauk also very vast u ols... I had Ayam Goreng Rempah with my nasi lemak, and they have different types of kuah to go with it, something like nasi kandar, but its not. Ayam dia tak kering ya, but very moist. Ada special sambal katanya, something similar to the coconut chutney one would have with Tosai. Memang sedap.
I highly reccomend sesiapa yang melawat Alor Star kan, to singgah kat Nasi Lemak Ali yang dah sekian lama bertapak itiew ya, dan mrasalah keunikan NAsi Lemak Ali ni. Its one of its own kind, maklumlah, dengar kata, been passed down for 2 generations already...
OK, Enuff...heheh lapor lak rase puasa2 ni...hhehe
After Iftar malam itiew, memandangkan malam terakhir we ols di Aloq Staq, Lea telah membawa kami menaiki Cik Endot Rider nyer putar-putar Jayzeez dan Bandaq Alor Staq...
Malam tu jugak la I ols kene ABDUCT dek Chef Aduka yang nak balik ke KL. I was actually already in bed, nak tidurans dah, and of all the sudden, the phone rang, "Hang siap sekarang, dalam masa 10 minit, hang turun bawah" - katanya.... erk..sepantas kilat la I ols memakai baju dan bersiap dan tunggu di lobby hotel itiew. And CA arrived with Abang Saleh and took me to Jayzeez and there I was introduced to Mie... CA's friend, at about a quarter to midnight, we sent CA to Shahab Perdana Bus Station for him to take his bus back to KL. I was then asked by CA (Via SMS) to accompany Abang Saleh for the night... so I did accompany Abang Saleh for drinks at the stadium.. at this stall called KENARI where people really do Karaoke till the wee hours in the morning... Abang Saleh crooned Dendang Perantau and Ikan Kaloi.. what vocal strength he had! anyway, he sent me back to the hotel at about 1.30 in the morning. I had Alor Star's famous Kueh Teow goreng for sahur... Actually woke up at 5 AM to have sahur :P
TUESDAY 18th Oct 2005
I woke up with a phone call from the faculty, saying that we have (PM Raja actually) has a candidate that wants to be interviewed at MERBOK. Half asleep, I told my AO to get in touch with PM Raja, and I went straight back to sleep..*ClAssIc* I really woke up at about 9 45 am, got ready and by 1030, me and PM Raja went out to PEKAN RABU (yep.. Wednesday Hamlet...hehe) to do our last minute shopping, well, before that, I and PM Raja walked around Alor Star's Tourist Attraction sites... Well, PM Raja grew up in Alor Star, so he knows his way around.. So i snapped pixies of : Abang Asks...hehe, Masjid Zahir and the famous Balai Nobat, not forgetting Menara Alor Star.
After walking around Alor Star in the month of Ramadhan, we then proceeded to the BARAM and PEKAN RABU to do our last minute shopping, and after that, back to the hotel to pack up. Lea came later on to clear the hotel bills and then we decided to have our final Iftar in Alor Star at MENARA ALOR STAR...
well, the three of us surely had SO MUCH FUN Iftar hari tu. I really enjoyed that IFTAR and it's one of my best Iftar outing so far this year. Thanks Prof treat we ols kat Seri Angkasa itiew. Well, i pun tak nak stretch lagi entry i nih (mrasalah ke link ataih nu ha)... so lastly...
Nak say thanks to:
ALLAH for letting everything happen and possible
Lea, for being a great host and friend
Aireen , for our friendship since July '95
PM Raja, for being a great colleague and travel companion
Chef Aduka, for the great surprise and friendship
BS, Najib and Abang Saleh (not to 4get whoever i met on this trip)for getting to know you guys...
Insya ALLAH, akan sampai lagi ke Alor Star....
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah
Lailahailallah Allahuakbar

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Al Fatihah
In memory of Datin Seri Endon Mahmood
1940 - 2005
Inalilah Wa Inalillahirajiun, dari ALLAH kita datang, kepadaNYA kembali kita.
Kepada YAB PM Malaysia, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sekeluarga, diucapkan takziah atas kembalinya kerahmatullah isteri dan ibu tercinta kalian. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.
Endon hid her own suffering to be with the people and gave support to her husband during the general election in March 2004, as soon as she returned from a one-month follow-up treatment in the United States. On April 17, 2002, Endon underwent a radical mastectomy at St John’s Medical Centre in Los Angeles, United States. She had also undergone 33 radiation and physiotherapy sessions at the same
hospital. After that, Endon continued to receive Abraxene chemotherapy in the
United States. She returned home last Oct 2 hoping that she could celebrate
Aidilfitri with her family and the people. Following the chemotherapy and
long-haul flight from the United States, Endon was admitted to Putrajaya
Hospital for observation as she was still physically weak. After 15 days there,
Endon was brought home to Seri Perdana to enable her family members to always be with her. Abdullah, Endon’s mother Datin Mariam Abdullah, her two children
Kamaluddin and Nori, daughter-in-law Azrene Abdullah, son-in-law Khairy
Jamaluddin and her four grandchildren, who are Kamaluddin’s children, were by
her side before she breathed her last at 7.55am today.
Born on Dec 24, 1940, Endon received her primary education at the Anglo-Chinese School in Kampar, Perak, from 1951 to 1952 before continuing her studies at the St Mary Secondary School in Kuala Lumpur till she completed the Senior Cambridge
level.Endon married Abdullah in 1965 when she was in the government service. She
opted to retire from the public service in 1976. In her life, she was active in
charity and community works. She was involved in several charity funds,
including the Bosnia Relief Fund, the North Korean Children’s Fund and the
Kosovo Welfare Fund. She also lent her support to various non-governmental
organisations such as the Pergerakan Pandu Puteri Islam Malaysia, the Malaysia
Women Writers’ Association and the Caring Culture Foundation Malaysia
Endon was also known for her aggressive moves in promoting the country’s fabric art heritage, which includes kebaya Nyonya, batik and songket. She was named Tokoh Jarum Berlian Malaysia 2004 for her contribution in dignifying the national arts heritage to the international level. Despite her fragile condition, Endon was
dedicated to her effort in promoting songket and batik and had planned to
organise the Kuala Lumpur International Batik Convention 2005 to promote
Malaysian batik to the world on Dec 8. Her interest in local handicraft since
her younger days, spurred her to collect and host exhibitions on various types
of garments including songket and kebaya nyonya. She recorded her collection in
a book entitled The Nyonya Kebaya produced in November 2002. It was followed by
a symposium and exhibition at the National Arts Gallery in 2003. The book was
reproduced in March this year with a new title A Century of Straits Chinese
Costume. To inject a new lease of life to the batik industry, Endon initiated
the “Malaysian Batik Movement - Creation For The World” competition. It had
successfully brought up new talents and their batik creations were then promoted
through several fashion shows overseas.Besides being the president of the
Association of Wives of Ministers and Deputy Ministers (Bakti), Endon was also
made the Chancellor of Open University Malaysia in December 2004. A new orchid,
produced by Mardi, has been named Mokara Datin Seri Endon after Endon.

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Assalamualaikum WM

I would be away for a few days on official matters and would be taking the opportunity to visit some friends up North. I would be back by Tuesday night Insya ALLAH. Thank you for dropping by.

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Memories of Ramadhan Past: 1423H Edinburgh


Hmmm the series continues…My first Ramadhan out of Malaysia… Ramadhan of 1423.

That was my first term at QMUC, and my first time ever being away from my family for a very long duration of time. It was around November 2002 if not mistaken.

Ushering Ramadhan was a memorable day for me, as I moved to Grainger Stewart Halls form Waverly Halls. I can’t afford paying GBP395 a month for this room…. Pity, I did not take any photos of the kitchen and sitting room...

So I sent in my request to the Accommodations Officer and got this room instead. And so, I moved in to this room on the day before Ramadhan if not mistaken..or was it on the first day. Anyway, I stayed in this room for the next 7 months, and I do miss this cosy little room of mine. The flat I stayed in consists of 3 rooms, shared kitchen and other utilities.

Well, Ramadhan in the winter months up north in Scotland is really fun, why? Well, it is not because the day time is shorter, but it’s the challenge to upkeep one’s fast. Eventhough Subuh was at 6 a.m, but in general in winter times, the fasting period is very short. As my memory recalls, the first Iftar was at about 4.20 in the afternoon and my Eid eve, it was 3.45 pm. Remembered that day when Zoody and I went to IKEA (More on Zoody after this) at about 4.45 pm after Iftar at Palmyra, a Halal kebab shop near the mosque, I confidently took the 37 bus towards IKEA, but the thing was, I slept right through the trip, only waking up and finding out we were elsewhere! Oh my! What a ride! I think we got to Peebles or somewhere in the outskirtd of Edinburgh, but we did manage to get ti IKEA at last.. and by 6 pm, IT WAS LIKE 10 PM! and the tempreature...FREEZING!

I wonder what my first sahur meal was. Huh I can’t recall, but all I could recall is the IFTAR at the Edinburgh Central Mosque. I would be at the mosque a few minutes before the Azan, and take my wudhu, do a 2 rakaat prayer and wait till the Muezzin announce the Azan for Maghrib prayers, sunset, where all Muslims break their fast. A plastic sheet is spread out at the back row of the mosque, and dates are placed on it. All Muslim brothers from all walks of life and nationality sit together and break their fast with a date or two and then proceed for Maghrib prayers. Beautiful! And after prayers, we would then adjourn to the next building for the meal, which consists of Rice/Bread and curry… cooked by this Pakistani Brother. He now has a small business selling Rice for lunch..very cheap as well that’s 3 quid for rice and curry, and the portion is HUGE! ALLAH IS GREAT!

Does this Pic look familiar? hehehe..get the recipe from my friends BLOG by just clicking on the picture...Lets u ols!

Anyways, fasting on my own without my family is compensated with having new found friends alongside you. Well, it is NOT that bad fasting away from Malaysia… Breaking fast at another Malaysian home would cure that homesick. Especially when it comes to PROPER KUIH MELAYU!!! Even though I was in SCOTLAND, it was my rezeki to get Seri Muka, Pulut Panggang, Mee Rebus, Mee Rojak. I would have to give credit to Kak Fiza, Kak Rose, Kak Aida Ariena, Kak Aida Ustaz, Kak Nini and Abg Sham as well as Kak Saba Abang Lan for having me over at their place often for Iftar or weekend meals. Not forgetting Anis, Noi, Oja…heheh…

These pics were taken during a buka puasa session at Anis's, Noi n Oja's flat. A year after that, I moved in to the flat 2 floors above this one.

This Ramadhan too had destined me to meet Mahmud Zuhdi (cream Baju Melayu), UKM's Law Fac PhD candidate. He is a mutual friend of Rashid (my former coursemate in ITM) and that is how I came to know about Mahmud's whereabouts in Edinburgh. He stayed at the top floor in Zone 1 (Peter Geddes Halls Of Residence if not mistaken)...very posh room he had, overlooking Princess Street. We became good friends ever since and we really enjoyed each other's company till the day I came back to Malaysia. He is finishing up his PhD by March 2006. Good luck Zoody! That Ramadhan too we had fun going about Edinburgh exploring new things (Zoody is more adventurous compared to me, so he was the one who brought to ALL SORTS OF PLACES) *havesla mak pech lubs...pech ker? ekeke... So it was that Ramadhan as well that I exposed him to the Malaysian Community!- During a buka puasa do organised by EMSA *mati la mak, apakah maksudnyer itu? hehehe... The pictures below was taken during Ramadhan that year, and the one on the right hand side actually was in HARIAN METRO Eid Greetings in Malaysia! heheh..Cik Najib texted me to inform about it..hehe..Gila Glamer u ols....

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Many happy returns of the day!!
Semoga ALLAH merahmati u ols selalu and good luck facing life...All the best!

Memories of past Ramadhan: 1424H part3

Found the pics of the hotel I stayed while in 'transit' in Delhi on the net...hehehe...NO OFFENCES ah!

This is the swimming pool i mentioned where I witnessed the preparation of a Wedding Party - yeszlah...the one with Bunga Tahi Ayamand colourful backdrop!
The lobby (top) SOOO DYNASTY kan? reminds me of HILTON KL...ehehehe

This side mmg la nampak ok...but I COULD RECALL orange coloured-spheric shaped lighting features!! LOL!!

Yes, this is somewhat similar to the room I stayed in.. It looks plush, but I guess this picture was taken during it's early days when the hotel just opened.... The windows in my room was CLOUDY ok! hehehe *mati la mak.......

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar