Sunday, December 31, 2006

Eid Ul Adha and end of 2006 (Published 31 Dec 06)

Salam Eid Ul Adha

Eid Ul Adha is to commemorate the sacrifice by Prophet Ibrahim of his son, Ismail (Peace be upon them). Prophet Ibrahim had dreamt earlier that he sacrificed his beloved son, Ismail (PBUT). Ismail being devoted to ALLAH, said to his father that he is willing to be sacrifed by Ibrahim if that is wanted by ALLAH through his father's dream. As Ibrahim had already held his son to be sacrificed, ALLAH SWT, Almighty and Gracious exchanged Ismail with a Kibbas. This action was commemorated by Rasulullah SAW a few thousand years later.

Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar. As I was driving to GIANT KJ to get some stuff for my mom, I sat, and gave a thought, would I go to that extent to sacrifice myself to ALLAH? HE is my creator, HE has set my everything to HIS clock and has had it written and programmed. Have I sacrificed for HIM? No. I dont even pray 5 times a day. And i guess HE had given me SOO MANY THINGS that i enjoy and like, but have I sacrificed the nikmat or enjoyment for HIM? ..... *diam sat*

This year, Eid Ul Adha coincides with the end of the Greogorian calendarof the year 2006. Ironic. I dhould sacrifice more for the year 2007. I have not done enough, not for myself, but for God. Gosh, I wonder how I could go on living on HIS land, breathing HIS oxygen and yet do things that is just, in a way, unthankful for.

Oh ALLAH, I am asking to YOU to please please and please guide me so that I would sacrifice to your righteous path. The guilt is unbearable everytime I think of it. Oh ALLAH, Almighty ALLAH. as the day turns to 2007, i beg YOU to help me let go of things that is deemed unnecessary. Oh ALLAH, my parents too, has sacrificed a big deal for me, please bless them, and when YOU take them away, please put them in one of your seven heavens. They had done so many good and again, sacrificed so much for me. Please bless those who has sacrificed their time, money and their life for other people as well. YOU know best oh ALLAH.

Found and interesting article in regarding Masjidil Haram and Eid Ul Adha. (31/12/2006)

SOALAN: Saya tidak nampak bagaimana hubungan antara Islam dengan Masjidilharam dan selain daripada ia Rukun Islam kenapa diwajibkan mereka yang ada kemampuan sahaja datang mengunjunginya. Dan apa hubungan ibadat korban pada hari Raya Korban?

– Ismail, Kuala Kangsar

JAWAPAN: Di sini banyak terdapat hubungan antara keduanya yang menjadikan ibadat haji atau mengunjungi Baitullah salah satu rukun agama.

Pertama, Masjidilharam itulah masjid yang pertama dibangunkan atas muka bumi ini sebagai rumah ibadat kepada Allah.

Kedua, ia adalah lambang kemenangan, keesaan dan ketuhanan Allah atas tuhan yang lain.

Ketiga, inilah bangunan yang mulia yang dibangunkan oleh dua Nabi dan Rasul a.s, Nabi pilihan, yang telah meninggalkan contoh pengorbanan yang terbaik yang mana seorang daripada keduanya ialah sebagai ayah yang berjaya mengharungi lautan api dengan selamat demi menentang penyembahan yang selain Allah. Itulah dia bapa dan datuk kita Nabi Ibrahim saperti yang telah dirakamkan dalam al-Quran surah al-An'am ayat 79 yang bermaksud: Sesungguhnya aku hadapkan mukaku untuk tuhan pencipta langit dan bumi dengan lurus (dan patuh sebagai penyerahan sepenuh hati). Dan seorang lagi anaknya yang telah berjaya melalui ujian getir dengan mengorbankan dan menyerahkan dirinya sendiri untuk disembelih oleh ayahnya sendiri yang juga telah dirakamkan dalam al-Quran dengan firman-Nya yang bermaksud, “Wahai ayahku! lakukanlah apa yang diperintahkan itu nanti kamu akan dapati aku dari kalangan orang yang sabar (melaksanakan perintah) (as-saffat ayat 102). Itulah Nabi Ismail a.s menjadi lambang seorang anak yang soleh dan taat setia dan di kagumi dan disanjung tinggi.

Inilah antara pengajaran korban yang kita lakukan sekarang, tetapi malangnya apa yang kita lakukan adalah sebaliknya. Kita hanya sembelih binatang tetapi tidak mengorbankan nafsu jahat dalam diri kita. Cuma binatang sembelihan yang mati tetapi sikap buruk kita masih bermaharajalela kerana kita lakukan ibadat korban itu hanya pada lahir tanpa disertakan dengan perasaan ikhlas dan ketakwaan kepada Allah s.w.t.

Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: Tidak akan sampai kepada Allah itu daging dan darah qurban tetapi yang sampai kepada-Nya takwa dari kalangan kamu semua (Surah al-hajj ayat 37).

Sikap pengorbanan atau ketakwaan inilah yang menjadi inti sari dari segala ibadat haji dan korban.

Begitu juga ibadat solat yang kita lakukan amat berkait rapat dengan bangunan rumah ibadat yang pertama ini. Allah s.w.t. menghendaki supaya seluruh umat bersatu padu dan bersama-sama menghadap ke arah kiblat rumah-Nya yang satu dan bagaimana tinggi dan sucinya hubungan seluruh rumah ibadat di segenap pelosok dunia ini dengan rumah Allah s.w.t. tersebut. Bagaimana rapat dan eratnya hubungan seluruh umat Islam hingga akhir zaman dengan datuk pertama mereka Ibrahim a.s.

Agama yang kita terima dan anuti hari ini, masih bersih dan suci seperti dahulu. Itulah Islam yang maha suci ajaran agama sejak dari Adam, Noh hinggalah ke Ibrahim a.s. dan sampai kepada kita hari ini. Adapun ajaran yang lain itu sudah diseleweng atau terpesong dari ajaran agama asal yang sebenar dan sudah banyak bercampur aduk dengan berbagai-bagai tahayul dan khurafat. Penyembahan atau menghambakan diri kepada Allah telah bertukar kepada penyembahan kepada makhluk-Nya. Kebebasan yang diberikan Islam itu berubah menjadi berkasta-kasta, ada yang mulia dan hina, ada tuan dan ada hamba. Bila seseorang berada di padang Arafah akan lahirlah persamaan, persaudaraan, perpaduan dan keadilan dan hakikat kehambaan sebenar hanya kepada Allah s.w.t. Wallahualam.


Snap snap awal tahun, Sutun 2, opis baru, show and student baru

Looking back at year 2006, oh my, i have SOO MUCH to thank ALLAH for. Its been a great year, Alhamdulillah.

Snap snap ratu-ratuan, show-show, kawen2, kawan2 dan PGL

I finally finished my MFA this year, and graduated this year too.

Snap snap show org kawen @ Mariott

I finally kicked off doing wedding planning and stuff related with friends who think alike, ALhamdulillah. Taj and Wazi, funny isnt it? how God work HIS ways around. And by doing so, I got to know Wazi @ Volks and Taj better :) Looks like 2007 dah ade line up, Alhamdulillah.

Snap snap diri sendiri, show kawen dan tetamu dari Jogja

what else happened this year? oh yeah -

PAGEANTS! hehe, Lea is now Miss World, and somehow, God worked HIS way on our friendship, funny how me and Lea got closer. This year too, saw me being backstage at pageants doing what I like, making people look gorgeous. I also sponsored Isis's traditional costume for Miss Perak @ Miss Malaysia (disasterous) Pageant 2006. She didnt win anything, yet I was really satisfied. Oh yeah, I also did Ms Angola's make up for MW 2006.

Snap snap show show dan show dan org kawen

Work wise, well, I went for my interview for my permanent status as a lecturer. It went well at the faculty level, yet not so good with the panel from the registrar. Insya ALLAH, if my rezki is there, it's there. I designed 6 shows this year. 5 of them related to student productions and one big one - Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu the musical for Istana Budaya. I also designed dress for Dina, did not turn out well, but, thank you Dina for wearing them. I apologise if it has caused you pressure, and, I wanna design more for you.hehehe. I also designed a dress for Syafinaz Selamat for the Uitm 50 years anniversary Gala Dinner.

Travelling. Sarawak and Sabah. Somehow, it was just my rezki this year *Thank U ALLAH!* to get to go to East Malaysia, first in June where I represented my Dean as a jury for the first Borneo University Dance Festival - oh yes, I still had not put up an entry of that! LALALALA - and got to stay at a Five Star Hotel for 4 days - all sponsored by the Sarawak State Government - THANK YOU SARAWAK! and again, I flew off to Sabah to interview prospective students for the department during the fasting month. Swell innit? I get to travel. Alhamdulillah. Owhhhh.. I also went to Kota Bharu to look for stuff for a wedding in August! hehehe. Went to KB with Taj, stayed at Hotel Temenggong and did we bitch around KB. heheh.. MERIAH!

Snap snap KUCHING

Snap snap KK

Snap snap KB

Friends: This year, I really got close to some people, amongst them are Pak Raja @ Abang Epi who is a lecturer in Malay Dance in Jogja, KW - An IT expert with MBSA, Apek - An inspiring entrepreneur cum web designer, he designed (sekali dgn Lea la of course) as well new friends from BI 2006 - Kak Red, the lady who LOVESSS RED, Nadh from Singapore, DBI - a Doctor in Terengganu, Y n Mrs - also known as Y the Tailor, from Lea's TB - Noryady, Abby, Belle dll. Gosh. 2006 had sure met me with interesting people. Again, i have to thank ALLAH for that. may ALLAH Bless you people (mentioned or not) for your kindness.

Snap snap Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu the Musical

Oh yeah, my NOKIA 6600. Finally changed my mobile this year, thanks to ROYZ for haggling the price for me.

Deaths: Colleague's daughter, Hani Mohsin, Seha, Rosiah Chik - Semoga dicucuri Rahmat. Kita yang ada ni, ingat-ingat la, each day welive brings us closer to death.

AF 4: I followed AF 4 quite religiously this year. Fav's are Farhan, Diddy and Leez, Did a few reviews on their appearence in almost all their concerts as well. Thanks to Abg Bad for giving Wazi the passes to the final concert. *matila ENTER PREM. Hope 2007 would be taken over by Diddy and Farhan.

Ok, before I finish off this entry, I just want to jot down something that I want to share with you readers out there.

2007 - Alhamdulillah at the time im writing this @ 3.02pm on the 31st of Dec 06, I am still around, stil breathing and full after eating the goodies my mom made for Eid. I just want to look back to 1977 - the year I was born, so in the Greogorian calendar, I would be turning 30 come February 22nd.


22nd February @ 7.10pm, after nine months in my mother's womb, ALLAH had blessed my parents with a baby boy. My mom told me that I was hairy then (am now too) and my facial feature is actually lobsided, that explains my tooth problems I had in 2003. Well, Alhamdulillah, I can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Alhamdulillah.


I was in standard 4. 4 Cempaka to be exact and Puan Nik Abdah was my class teacher, God Bless her. '87 was the year I started to get involved in SHOWS *Lea, eat ur heart out* hehe. I joined the school choir and performed as a chorus in an operetta with FAIRIES. YES, I was 10 and was already performing songs with FAIRIES as the theme. DIE DIE DIE, look at me 20 years later! LOL! Anyways, '87 was my best year in primary school. I just dont know why. Oh yeah, I started wearing long pants to school when I was in standard 4. Erm, ALLY ISKANDAR of TV3 was in the choir too. la la la. That was the year my parents performed their Haj *huhu 20 years ago TODAY* . I listened to almost what ever my eldest sister listened to, If not mistaken, FREEDOM was quite a hit in '87.


I was at the end of my 2nd year (Sem 4) and begining of my 3rd year (Sem 5) at ITM. I REPEAT, ITM. Sem 4 was again, the best semester ever. Why? I had Cik Najib as my design lecturer and my Figure Drawing lecturer- Pattern drafting too!. Boy, did he open my mind and how supportive he is towards his students. I still have the garment I did from that semester!. It wasin '97 too, that I made it to the finals of Anugerh Benang Emas, using Pua Kumbu as my inspiration. It was that year too where I failed my Pattern Drafting III. Mrs Teh said I need more training. Well, it helped :). It was the year where I met Oda, fellow finalist of ABE. I started driving in '97 as well. Florathon, Festival Teater Selangor amongst other things I got involved with in '97. Boy bands were huge - backstreet boys, N'Sync, Take That etc. Gosh, that WAS 10 YEARS AGO! still UNDERAGED. LALALALA.


apa expectation for 2007?

Well, I leave it to ALLAH. I would just go with the flow. I know ALLAH knows what is best for me. But basically I would want:

  • nak jadi lebih taat pada ALLAH
I guess as I am climbing the stairs of age, I should really give this a serious thought. I should sacrifice more for my religion and race, as well as being patriotic. What ever it is, I know it very well that I am nearing, yes, Sakratul Maut. I have to gear up and I have to do it on my own. I would not want to meet HIM unprepared or with not enough deeds to repay what HE had blessed me with or the past, yes, 30 years.

  • nak be extra dedicated to work
Im not saying that Im not dedicated to my employer, I am. But I want to give back more to what they had given me (scholarship n job). I want my students to gain knowledge and share what ever I know with them. I want to be more patient and cool in dealing with them, as well as to the people around my working environment. Insya ALLAH
  • nak buat publication
Yep. I have to write and get it published. I want to make my dream of a coffee table book become a reality and insya ALLAH, 2007 would be a great start.

  • nak simpan duit
I have to be more serious about saving up. My hobby is actually eating up my salary. What are my hobbies? hehehe, for those who knows, knows, but to those who does not, do ask me. *Die la Miss Excuses.

  • a better son and brother
I want to spend more time with my ageing parents. I would not be here if it was not for them. They sacrificed a lot to bring me up and it is pay back time. 30 years and I'm still living with them. Well, I am the youngest anyway.

What ever it is, I may plan things, but it is ALLAH who decides. Kun Fa Ya Kun. I hope I would be a thankful person, a grateful person, a sincere person in what ever I do. Ya ALLAH, please guide me. I do not want to put high expectation on myself as I do not want to get hurt unnecesarily. And yeah, I NEED TO SHED KILOS - QUICK!! I need to reallyt take care of my health. I do not want to go back to my Creator with clogged arteries, dysfunctional liver etc. God had entrusted us to keep them well, for me, its like a test.

To my readers, as I am typing this entry, the Takbir Raya is playing on IKIM.FM. I pray that we would all succeed in this world and the hereafter. Wishing all of you a happy eid and a happy 2007 ahead.


Snap snap self portrait @ KK

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At Mon Jan 01, 12:36:00 AM 2007, Blogger Red Mummy said...


2006 menemukan kita

merapatkan kita

mengukhawahkan kita

moga 2007 lebih2 lagi hendaknya

how come u never hv my no, it s pasted in my profile terang benderang lagi dik weii

Semoga tahun baru bertambah lagi lagi nikmat kebahagian sesama kita ye...

At Fri Jan 05, 11:41:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hermm... tak perlulah sampai di acknowledge sebegitu rupa.. tidak lah seEXPERT mana pun.. biasa2 ajer
thanks for being YOU


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