Monday, March 28, 2005

Tak faham dengan diri ini

Hmm, how should I start? I just dont seem to understand myself sometimes. I keep on thinking of one particular person, and it doesnt seem some how right, or wrong or is it just lust or some other feeling. I dont know-lah. I leave everything to Allah, as He Knoweth All. I try to forget, but that particular person still somehow appear in my mind. Allah knows that! Being me, I am that sort of person who does shows my true feelings, especially if comes to the question of heart. Again, I leave it to my Creator.

To that perticular person, if you ever know who you are...(well, Allah knows)I just do not know why I keep thinking of you. From that first moment, I was attracted to you, but I just dont know how to say it or do what ever...only a close friend of mine (and of course..Allah) knows about this. I was confused, either that I was attracted to you because of lust..or ot was something else. Well, since I discovered myself, I kind of look at things from a different perspective, I guess. There must be a purpose why Allah wants me to feel this way. NOTE: not that I want to be in this position. To some othe people whom I chatted with on the net, and possibly you are reading this as well, I hope you are not offended, as I do not want to play with people's emotions. On the bright side, I am very happy that we could chat and discuss issues, It is not easy to do so. I hope you do not put high hopes on any relationship that might not happen (even that, I leave it to Allah).

Religion and oneself could not be separated. As a muslim, I am very aware of this. Allah created me from my fathers sperm and my mom's egg. As muslims, we are also taught to accept Allah's fate. My father and mother. They met at Allah's will and so in year 1976, Allah had created me and had written and made me what I am now. My mom carried me for 9 months, and by Allah's will, I was brought to see daylight on the 4th of Rabiulawal 1397H. This is all by Allah's will. I grew up in a family in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. My dad is a somebody-somebody at a local U, and my mom is a teacher. I have 4 older siblings, to whom i feel kind-of disconnected, I realised this since I was a kid. My interest somehow differ from my siblings. I am so much into the arts, and one can say I am very Artsy Fartsy (well....)Well, firstly, I have to thank Allah for making me what I am, for giving me everything that I own. I know that all of these things are being borrowed to me. How could I ever repay You, my Creator.

Aku Berlindung Dari Syaitan Yang Di Rejam,
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani

Apakah kamu masih mengharapkan mereka akan percaya kepadamu, padahal segolongan dari mereka mendengar firman Allah, lalu mereka mengubahnya setelah mereka memahaminya, sedang mereka mengetahui ? (QS. 2:75)

Dan apabila mereka berjumpa dengan orang-orang yang beriman, mereka berkata: "Kamipun telah beriman", tetapi apabila mereka berada sesama mereka saja, lalu mereka berkata: "Apakah kamu menceritakan kepada mereka apa yang telah diterangkan Allah kepadamu, supaya dengan demikian mereka dapat mengalahkan hujjahmu di hadapan Rabb-mu; tidakkah kamu mengerti ?" (QS. 2:76)

Tidaklah mereka mengetahui bahwa Allah mengetahui segala yang mereka sembunyikan dan segala yang mereka nyatakan. (QS. 2:77)

Dan di antara mereka ada yang buta huruf, tidak mengetahui Al-Kitab, kecuali dongengan bohong belaka dan mereka hanya menduga-duga "(QS. 2:78)

Maka kecelakaan yang besarlah bagi orang-orang yang menulis Al-Kitab dengan tangan mereka sendiri, lalu dikatakannya: "Ini dari Allah",untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang sedikit dengan perbuatan itu. Maka kecelakaan besarlah bagi mereka, akibat dari apa yang mereka kerjakan. (QS. 2:79)

Dan mereka berkata: "Kami sekali-kali tidak akan disentuh oleh api neraka, kecuali selama beberapa hari saja". Katakanlah: "Sudahkah kamu menerima janji dari Allah sehingga Allah tidak akan memungkiri janji-Nya, ataukah kamu hanya mengatakan terhadap Allah apa yang tidak kamu ketahui?" (QS. 2:80)

Allah memberikan hikmah kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan barangsiapa yang diberi hikmah, sungguh telah diberi kebajikan yang banyak. Dan tak ada yang dapat mengambil pelajaran kecuali orang-orang yang berakal. (QS. 2:269)
Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Laillah ha ilallah Allahuakbar
Subhanallah Awni Wahasbi
Maha Suci Allah, Segala Puji Bagi Allah, Tiada Tuhan Melainkan Allah, Allah Maha Besar.
Maha Suci Allah, penolongku dan memadai untuk ku.