Ramadhan greetings from Famous Ex Student and Friend
Woke up for sahur around 4.45 am, tu pun my mom called my mobile. So, antara nak membangkitkan diri dari katil, I checked la my phone for messages. Ada 4 sms katanya.
And one of them is from an ex student merangkap kawan sepenarian... Siapa??
Iqram katanya!
this is what he sms-ed
this is what he sms-ed
A'kum, para p'syarahku..
1. Ampunkan sgala dosa iq
2. Halalkan makan minum (kalu ada)
3. Niat dgn ikhlas menjlni ibadah
4. Lets enjoy da Ramadhan ;
Subhanallah. Ingat dia kat I? hik hik. Last I met him was at the Shell station @ NKVE before the D'sara Exit few weeks before he was involved with the accident baru-baru ni. Iqram ni, so far lah, dia tak lupa siapa diri dia, kalau terserempak, sure dia akan tegur. Keep it up Iq! Semoga u ol akan menjadi seorang artis yang berdisiplin dan terpelajar. Jgn hang nak buat tah apo apo nahhh.. Hang tu celebrity, role model, well, u know what I mean kennn???? hehe..
I mula-mula kenal Iqram when he entered UiTM back in 2001 or was it 2002? I rasa 2002. Masa tu I was still a tutor at the faculty. When I came back from UK, tak sangka la kan, he was STILL AROUND. ngehngehngeh.... So, mrasa la I jadi lecturer dia masa dia punye diploma showcase, walaupun I tak jadi supervisor dia, dia selalu datang borak-borak and ask for ideas.
Apa-apapun, hope u have a speedy recovery and percayalah, what ever happen to us, ada hikmah disebaliknya. Banyakkan bersyukur kepadaNYA dan ingatlah DIA selalu.
I am very touched with his sms. Selamat menjalani hari pertama Ramadhan.
Jazakallahu Khair
May ALLAH bless thou with kindness
May ALLAH bless thou with kindness
*picture taken from Time.Net - Cleo 50 most eligible bachelor
Selamat Posa FF!!!!!!!!
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