Thank You D, I'm Chaffed *blush*
Assalamualaikum WM, Yesterday when I got back to the office after an outing with my colleagues to Hot Market at PAS at the Shah Alam Town Centre, I noticed this on my make-shift desk in my office which was left open for the electrician o fix the new lighting fixture.My dearest D, I tak expect pun! but I am chaffed receiving this bouquet of flowers. I wish you all the best in your modelling career and ur studies.
So how did I ended up getting this beautiful bouquet of roses?? well.. now Kak Ina would continue the story... *mati la Drama Radio Kanak2
" One fine day in the month of Ramadhan last, some students took on a job with Prof Najib. It was the Elite Model Look Malaysia at the Zouk and the students helped manage and run the competition. Encik 5th and Kenchana, his coleague, saw the potential in D after she succesfully carried herself as a model during the Putrajaya Fashion Show during the KL Fashion Week in July"
D wearing Butik Benang Kapas's WAU creation
" D dis not have the confidence to even try out, but after she received a lot of encouragement from Encik 5thE and Kenchana, she agreed, but... she was not sure how would she look for the competition."
D at the Putrajaya show and her transformation for the Elite Model Search
"and being very nosy and particular about D's appearance for the model search competition, Encik 5thE decided to make over D's face for the competition. And so, Encik 5thE did the make over and D liked what Encik 5thE did to her face"
"Little did we know that D ended up as one of the top 15 finalist out of about a hundred hopefuls who turned out at the Zouk that very day"
Lipstick Sari Ayu sajor...
" That is how Cik 5thE got the bouquet of roses boys and girls....THE END"
Begitulah kisahnya dari Kak Ina.. MRASA... ekkekekek...
wah.. try mekap-kan aD pulak *kena charge tak?*
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