Saturday, January 01, 2005


I must say, it is quite amazing to be in 2005. Praise Allah as I had an amazing 2004 and for the past 1 month had been the most blissfull of all. only Allah knows how blissful it is.

The things that had been happening around Asia this past week to made me realise how lucky and how pampered we are by God the Allmighty, and yet we are still behaving as if we do not know at all of the revealations given by Him to his Messengers and that it has been passed on and on to tihs generation of humans.

I was thinking about the Warisan program that the Uni is hosting in April, Warisan=Heritage... It came across my mind to propose that a Quran should be passed on at the same time as the 'Watikah'....well, not only handing down the outcome of the congress in conjunction of the topic said to whoever that is going to take the responsibilty, but how could you seperate the fact that a Malay is also a Muslim? and all Muslims should know that the Quran is essential (in fact, Primary) rule book of life?

Well, I would just ponder on this issue.

2005, what lies ahead? I leave it all to Allah.

Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahailallah Wallahu Akbar


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