Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Me and some friends...


It's been a hectice week for me as BLDA would be up this weekend, and the costumes are almost done, but last Monday, I managed to squeeze time for PESKA, my cultrual dance troupe at varsity for the closing of the Convocation Fayre. My juniors (and some of them my students) also danced for the occasion.. well people here are some of the pics....

Isis came as well. Thanks Isis for helping us time, datang la lagi... :) jangan serik ok! heheh, we had FUN updating each other regarding Gossips from our YM friends...

And here are some random pics from the show.... Would update later on BLDA... gosh.. there's a major tech glitch at the auditorium..I have no feelings towards it, just feeling empty, I don't know whats wrong with me tho... hmmm...

Me and the dancers whom I helped prepare for the show.. hmm...Missed performing!

The make up for the show.. Yellow-Green and glitter.. shown here is Baby, she did the make up herself

I guess that i'm really vain, I LOVE this pic of myself... huhuh...flawless!! *mati la keperasanan

Bile la aku nak ade digital camera yang VASTT yang membolehkan I mengambil pics show yang lagi gedebas dari ni? hmm...

And lastly..this pic was taken last Friday (yes..that explains the Ketayap and White Nehru) huhuh.. ok ke u ols?

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lailahailallah Allahuakbar


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